Rabu, 19 September 2012


(Cucumis melo L.)
Sofyan Wiwiet Santiko
Ir. Ari Wijayani, MP dan Ir. Hj. Siwi Hardiastuti, EK,SH.MP
Desa Sukorejo, Kecamatan Sumber, Kabupaten Rembang, Provinsi JawaTengah
Melon plants (Cucumis melo L.) is a lot of crops cultivated in Indonesia. Melon fruit favored by the public because of its fruit is sweet and contains a lot of water so refreshing when eaten. Problems in the cultivation of melons melons whose size is smaller and less sweet taste. Determining the purpose of this study the interaction between treatment and pruning branches of potassium fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of melon, The method used in this study is the method of field experiments using the Random Group Design Complete (RAKL). The analysis showed there were interactions between treatment trimming branches and potassium fertilizer on the parameters of the weight of fruit per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter and fruit water content. In the treatment of branch pruning to-20 segment of the real effect on the parameters of trunk diameter 14 hst, 28 hst plant dry weight, leaf area 14 hst, the weight of fruit per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit water content, thickness of fruit, fruit softness, levels total sugar, Treatment of pruning rod to-20 segment was not significantly different at the age of 28 HST stem diameter, leaf area 28 hst and dry weight 14 hst . Dose of potassium fertilizer 40 g / plant gave the best results on the parameters of a trunk diameter of the age of 14 and 28 dap, plant dry weight of the age of 14 and 28 hst, the leaf area ages 14 and 28 hst, the weight of fruit per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, levels of juice, fruit thickness, softness of fruit, total sugar content.

Keywords: Melon, Trimming, Fertilizer KCL
Keterangan : 1). Alumni Mahasiswa Jurusan Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian
                      2.) Staf Pengajar Fakultas pertanian Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta                       

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